
What Could Generative AI Mean for the Future of Work?

By Ana Sabo, Career Coach, Toombs Inc.    

Lately, we have been hearing a lot about generative AI technology. Its ability to create content that looks eerily similar to the content created by humans has been a topic of discussions in many industries. One such technology that has been receiving a lot of attention lately is ChatGPT, an AI language processing tool that lets its users ask questions and make requests which are answered by the chatbot.

As an example, when I asked the chatbot to “Create a 3-sentence description of ChatGPT that includes some of the controversy around its use”, this is what its response was:

Chat GPT is a large language model that utilizes artificial intelligence to generate human-like responses to text-based inputs. While it has been praised for its ability to mimic human conversation and assist with various tasks, there has been controversy surrounding its potential to spread misinformation, perpetuate biases, and even manipulate public opinion. Some experts have called for greater regulation and transparency in the development and use of such models to mitigate these concerns.”

ChatGPT has been generating a wide range of opinions, which is reflected in its response to my question above (ChatGPT, similarly to other generative AIs, learns and grows through its access to information, including facts and users’ opinions, on the world wide web). Now, while some people are excited about its potential, others have expressed concern about its use. As AI technology continues to advance, the potential applications for generative AI are growing. One area that could be transformed by this technology is the future of work.

A recent Mercer survey reported that 57% of CEOs and CFOs plan to increase use of AI and automation. Furthermore, almost one-third of these leaders are actively rethinking their company’s structure to decrease their reliance on human workers, but what would this mean for businesses today?


What new possibilities does generative AI offer for industries?

Generative AI has the ability to create a wide range of content, from text to images and even music. This opens up new possibilities for industries where creativity and originality are key, such as advertising, design, and media. In these fields, generative AI can assist human creatives by generating ideas and content, providing a starting point that can be refined and developed by human input.

Beyond creative industries, generative AI can also be applied in more technical fields. In the field of software engineering, for example, generative AI can be used to automatically generate codes that meet specific requirements. This can save time and effort for developers, allowing them to focus on higher-level tasks such as architecture and design.


What are some downsides to using generative AI in the world of work today?

While generative AI has the potential to revolutionize the way we work, it is important to consider the potential downsides. One concern is the potential for job displacement, as generative AI could replace human workers in certain tasks. This could lead to job losses and economic disruption if not managed properly.

Furthermore, because generative AI is still in its early stages, it can make mistakes as it doesn’t have the same underlying logic as humans. This can be a more significant concern when dealing with critical situations where the generated content is used to inform, educate, or serve as a basis for crucial decision-making. In some of these situations, another concern is the ethical implications of AI-generated content, as it could be used to spread misinformation or propaganda, particularly if it has not been properly reviewed and verified. It’s important for leaders to understand when they should rely on generative AI and when they shouldn’t, and how these technologies can be used in different ways. One of the most useful ways of using generative AI is to augment human knowledge and creativity. This can help to boost productivity and take on risky domains where there’s a higher tolerance for error.

So, yes, generative AI does have the potential to positively transform the way we work, particularly in creative and technical fields. However, it is important to consider the potential downsides and take steps to mitigate any negative impacts. With the right approach, generative AI could be a powerful tool for innovation and progress in the future of work, but it might not be suitable as the only resource for achieving these goals.


Get ready to take your job search and career transition to the next level with our upcoming blogs on AI tools. So stay tuned for some expert insights and practical advice on how to use AI tools effectively and advance your career.

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